
VNG – Video Nystamography

basic test to find out cause of vertigo & dizziness

VNG – Video Nystamography basic test to find out cause of vertigo & dizziness

A VNG test stands for Videonystagmography and an ENG test stands for Electronystagmography.

Both of these test the vestibular system (balance system) of the inner ear to determine if your dizziness/loss of balance is caused by an inner ear abnormality.

When undergoing the VNG test, you are wearing a pair of goggles over your eyes used to monitor and record eye movement. During the ENG test, instead if wearing goggles, you have sticker electrodes placed around your eyes and forehead to record eye movements.

We use Videonystagmography (VNG) technologies for testing inner ear and central motor functions. VNG testing is considered the new standard for testing inner ear functions over Electronystagmography (ENG), because VNG measures the movements of the eyes directly through infrared cameras, instead of measuring the mastoid muscles around the eyes with electrodes like the previous ENG version. VNG testing is more accurate, more consistent, and more comfortable for the patient. By having the patient more comfortable and relaxed, consistent and accurate test results are more easily achieved. VNG testing is used to determine if a vestibular (inner ear) disease may be causing a balance or dizziness problem, and is one of the only tests available today that can decipher between a unilateral (one ear) and bilateral (both ears) vestibular loss. VNG testing is a series of tests designed to document a persons ability to follow visual objects with their eyes and how well the eyes respond to information from the vestibular system.

Facilities Available


Video Nystamography basic test to find out cause of vertigo & dizziness


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